Special Considerations

There are so many special things to do, ‘special considerations’ that its not in a list yet. I’m still building the plane and issues like range were there from the outset. I need enough fuel and reserves to do the Hawaii the USA West coast leg, around 2200nm. That’s a deal maker or breaker.

I also need an IFR ticket. A more pompous label would be saying I require a ‘Command Instrument Rating’. In other words fly around when I can’t see the other planes and maybe visibility near where you want to go is limited as well. An instructor told me if I obey ALL the rules ALL the time, it works and is a safe system. He was even older than me 🙂

There are a lot of other things in the ‘considerations department’ I’m working on. One of them was to get this website up and with some content. So here I am filling in a bit of guff on this page. It will get a more serious treatment later!

This shot was back in 2006 when I was studying the theory for my private pilots license, wishing I could go flying instead.