Date: 06-03-2018 | |
Number of Hours: 5 | |
Manual Reference: 21-3 |
Like yesterday it was reinforcement tapes again. This time the prep cleanup was quicker and I left the top mouse holes for later. I wanted the layup done as I had a little bit of research to do for the next step.
You can see the edges cleaned up but no tapes yet.
Edges cleaned right and top but side tapes already done on the left. That outlet will get some work shortly to allow for the smoothest possible fuel flow.
Tapes on in this shot, you can see the slightly darker colour where the tapes are a little wetter than the strake bottom.
Still easy enough to get in there for tapes despite the smaller area.
Tapes done and you can see in this shot how the strake profile has to transition between two different NACA airfoils. This is experimental aviation after all.