Date: 12-07-2018 | |
Number of Hours: 4 | |
Manual Reference: no ref |
This mod was inspired by James Redmon’s excellent testing of the concept. I’d also been looking at this for some years firstly when doing speed mods to my flying plane.

This is an oil flow of my wing where you can clearly see the separation at the trailing edge.

Back on the ground and its clear something, lets say, not ideal is happening here. So thats why I’m going for a fairing in this area.

First up I put the plane in cruise angle mode. I’m predicting 2 degrees nose up at 180knots+ Did I mention it was 38C in the hangar today with no breeze, given the doors were shut. Yes I REALLY want to finish this plane.

I was also worried it may tip backwards so the baggage pod box came in handy.

Finding the highest point on the wing chord that is level proved to be trickier than I thought. The glass there is very uneven so more eyeball engineering went into play.
Eventually I found some place to put a line I could live with. The Berkut winglet is certainly a little different to the Long-EZ. I worked to a compromise of what I know of drag from a few books, some formulas and more of that eyeball stuff.

All this was just so I could put a couple of plies of BID on the rudder in prep for the pour foam fairing shape to come.