Date: 12-29-2015 | |
Number of Hours: 10 | |
Manual Reference: 19-9 |
This step is lining up the hinges on the wing side for the ailerons. I elected to just use clicos rather than drill out the full size hole. You never know if you might get something wrong and need to re drill so the smallest hole size is best to start with. Of yeah and I did finish off the aileron end ribs yesterday too.
The fun technique I used was to get the areas in between the hinges level and then clamp and hot glue a box straight edge to this level surface. Next up reach into the alieron rib cove and hold the hinge hard up against the straight edge. From here I easily hot glued the hinge in place and then the same with the other two. Bingo, hinges in line.
I drilled out the hinge holes previously marked out, and stood back proud of myself for being clever. Then I checked the aileron in place only to find it was slightly too high and I needed to loose some material on the wing side. Yep, good thing those holes were small for the clicos.
So I redressed the aileron edges on the wing side until a perfect fit was obtainable, set it all up again and re-drilled my holes having moved them on the wing side .05″ to .10″ It seemed to work out again. I think I’ll do more on this side before doing the other wing. One set of mistakes is easier to fix than two. The gaps are still pretty small for setting up the internal side of the hinge. More fun tomorrow on that.
Hinges in line
Drilling out the minimum
Secured in place