Date: 04-30-2019 | |
Number of Hours: 16 | |
Manual Reference: 25-6 |
The underside of the strake to wing join and the lower cowl edges needed to be filled. Why? ..because I will be doing the underside of the strake fill with the fuselage inverted and the wings off. You can see the need for the intersection levels to be sorted out first.
After a pre sand I’ve set up a series of mylar fences to maintain the ‘good side’ of the fill.
More fill and fences. The cowl edges also received release tape so I can make these good too.
This fence and fill process had some sanding in between of course. Fill and fare, fill and fare.
These cowl edges were also made good.
After several goes I just had a few low spots to fill which I’d make with blue tape for when I mixed a batch of the West 410 filler and fast set epoxy.
In between the fills I was careful to maintain the cut line. I just used a hacksaw blade and some patience.
The results are acceptable. It is NO FUN at all working upside down. I’m happy enough now to flip the fuselage for filling the underside knowing I have good edges now.