Date: 10-05-2014 | |
Number of Hours: 10 | |
Manual Reference: 13-10 |
So I just didn’t like my nose profile in ‘Shaping the Nose 2’ a few logs entries back. At this stage a change is easy. I used my template to draw out the nose on a bit of paper, then I marked where the nose goes to on the Long-EZ plans. I wanted to be no longer than that.
Then a hunt for my french curves and as you can see in pic 1 the old and new lines. Next up, a cut and shut. I chopped off the foam nose with a saw, added some foam and glued the whole mess back together as you can see in pic 2.
Then I cut out my new shape and traced it onto the laminex template. After an hour or two the next day I have a new shape on the nose as you see in pic 3. It looks a lot more balanced now and it will have a bit more ‘air’ for the heat to circulate. All I’ve done is stretch out the forward lines a little more so there is no flat spot.
Now I like it 🙂
Back to the drawing board
Cut and shut
A better profile