Date: 08-01-2012 | |
Number of Hours: 10 | |
Manual Reference: 6-5 |
The floor took over a month and had a lot of expensive parts. However I was unhappy with it as there was air in the layup. This was a non structural fault. It was caused by making the slops on the cutouts too sudden a transition to lowest points. It should or could have been much more gradual.
After all the taping work and doing a repair I decided to cut it out. This took many days as I was very careful and the last pic is 18 days later all ready to go again.
Foam for the floor had to be made and brought in from China so I was in for at least a months delay.
I am committed to the best work I can do without going overboard. This time self imposed quality control required I redo this part. I’m happy with the decision and will do the next floor with alterations.
In the mean time I went on with other tasks and now have the rear seat sump and fuel system roughed out in my head having studied lots of options.
Removing the floor
Lots and lots of clean up
Back to a fresh start