Date: 10-03-2016 | |
Number of Hours: 6 | |
Manual Reference: 13-11 |
This was done over a couple of days. After a lot of reading, of other peoples websites, notably Wade Parton, master EZ builder, I have a plan for my nose gear faring. Wade has a pretty clever cover on a sprung mount. The idea is to stop the faring cracking which they do over time if they are nailed down. The spring system will also make a tight seal on the bottom.
The first part is a mounting system. I have some Garolite G10 but only in 6 mm so I have floxed a piece together to get me to close to .5″ thickness. You can see this in pic 1 where I have made a stick of the stuff. I’ve drilled 3/8″ holes in it and cut pieces out to make the four hard points.
Pic 2 shows them being floxed in place with an arrangement of bolts, drilled tongue depressors and hot glue for positioning. I’m thinking that these two hard points are spaced to fit in the leg well as you see in Pic 3.
I’m going to cover the NG15 mount and the NG6 cover plate as well with my faring. Its a bit complex because I want to extend the nose gear cover at both ends but still have access to the bolts at each end of the gear leg for fitting and maintenance. I’m also going to use both ends to assist the mounting, so I’ll have 4 mounting points, not just the two you see here. This means two separate pieces as well as a central piece of spacing foam glued/microed to the gear leg.
Pic 3 shows the G10 ears and the foam to lift the faring to the bottom of the fuselage just cut to a rough size. If will be trimmed after it is secured to the gear leg.
Confused? I was until I had this in my head. The next few entries will reveal how it happened. So I’m now in the past taking from the future on what will be before I’ve done it. That’s how you build a plane right? Go into the future and look back to figure out how you did it so you know what to do now.
Garolite G10
G10 floxed in place
Cured ears and filler piece