Date: 05-07-2015 | |
Number of Hours: 10 | |
Manual Reference: 19-18 |
One wing inboard top to bottom wasn’t parrallel so that soaked up a few hours sorting it out. Just a little filing. Pic 1 has it looking OK.
I next wanted to check sweep and if the wings were the same length too. This needed a mid point and a line on the floor which you can see in pics 2 and 3.
One wing is .4″ longer than the other. Yippppps. Looked like this happened when the FC1 foam blocks were cut and rejoined. Just an angle change in the join would cause it. I don’t know how I missed it. From FC1 outboard to the tips are identical on both wings. Anyway the fault will not be noticeable as the cowl or even a slight trim in board will fix it. I just need to be aware when lining things up on the fuselage.
Sweep was perfect one side and 2″ out the other! Plans allow 4″ …not the point. Again down to that join where my best wasn’t perfect. I took some advice and I can correct again at the fuselage joining. Mr Rutan has a crazy looking skew wing design that flies perfectly and the plans say to check the sweep “if you want to”. Incidence and even dihederal are more important.
Parallel ends
Getting a midpoint
Tape on the floor for length check