Date: 12-26-2015 | |
Number of Hours: 10 | |
Manual Reference: 19-9 |
Today was finishing off the sanding for this one ply of BID on the TE of the ailerons. This layup captures the counterweight and the hinge bases. I spent some time sanding and checking the surfaces. Only a very small amount of additional micro was required and I did that as part of the layup.
The pieces are 66″ long and the 45 degree comes out in one piece of the wide BID rolls I have. I did the layup on foil and a long board I’d used for earlier wing cover aileron area layups. It went pretty smoothly and I spent a long time ensuring no air bubbles with gloved fingers. Its quite a complex shape but seemed to go down OK. I did all the usual things, prepping the surface with energy from sanding, pure epoxy first, good fiber/resin ratio on the foil piece and a little dry micro fill.
While just one long ply it lifted well and was easy to put in place. I lined up one side with redrawn lines and then once fitted, cut the other side for the 1″ overlay. A little peel ply and a lot more finger work and I was done late in the evening.
Foil treatment
BID down
No air visible