Date: 12-08-2014 | |
Number of Hours: 10 | |
Manual Reference: Roncz B sheet |
After trimming the ends of the elevators the end pieces NC6 are riveted in place. Yes I took all day doing this, drilling two holes and squeezing a couple of rivets. Each version of the elevator plans, Roncz, GU and Cozy, even the modified Cozy has a different rivet specified and I didn’t have any of them. In the spirit of moving forward I just put something similar in.
A week or two later I found a correctly countersunk rivet at the local airport, YMMB. Mind you this was a higher spec and needed more space to set it. I ended up drilling through past the ‘hole’ area so I could get the longer rivet (a proper cherry rivet) set. I spent hours and hours on those two rivets. Its now the right type in that it is countersunk and will not disrupt the airflow in the elevator cove. Yeah… like I was going to notice this in flight but we know thats not the point. Plans say this area MUST be smooth.
A lot of time over the next few days was spent just lining up the elevators and getting my head around what comes next. I have to admit the whole elevator saga is a bit scary as it really is very important. Getting it wrong, particularly the elevator position and travel is not an option.
NC6 ends fitted, note flox corners
First lining up
Jig checking