Date: 06-01-2016 | |
Number of Hours: 15 | |
Manual Reference: Roncz B or C |
One of those jobs I wanted to get around to. Yes the ends (TE) of the elevators were filled with micro per plans a long time ago. West 410 is about 40% lighter so I removed all the micro as you see in pic 2 and filled with the lighter 410.
I also checked that I still had full elevator travel after filling and profiling the canard. Yes, as expected, I had to do a few hours of very careful sanding to get that -15 +30 back… the +30 is easy, its the up elevator that is marginal. Anyway, job done.
I also spent some hours carefully sanding one of the elevators. I need to finish that and do the other. My idea is that this is one of those side jobs you can do while held up with wet epoxy on other parts. That said, I’d like to keep sanding the elevators and then do a skim of filler for the low spots to keep them as lite as possible.
Micro on TE of elevators
Micro removed
West 410 and a recheck