Date: 05-15-2018 | |
Number of Hours: 6 | |
Manual Reference: |
Here we go again. This is my fourth strake skin and I’m starting to get the hang of it. I guess I’m a slow learner. Left bottom this time.
Here I’m using the right skin as a template to get me started on fitting the foam to the curved fuselage side. It definitely helped. Interestingly the top skin curves are not the same as the bottom skin curves. So if you are building one of these planes take note. Not all skins are equal.
Here are three skins together. My workshop is so small this is the best way to store them while I work on the last one.
Again I had to tweak the ribs and baffles a little. Final tweak will be before I glass the skin on permanently. I think the bottom’s have been easier because the curve is less in the airfoil profile.
Here’s my skin, a good enough fit now for glassing the inside.
The usual marking for later peel ply.
Fourth strake skin glassed and peel plied with 4″ pieces.
OK so whats this? Its a Garmin GMU 11 Magnetometer and it needs to live in relative magnetic isolation in the plane. This is the electronic version of a compass. A helpful email back from Garmin suggests this is the place. Except its too long to fit, especially with a cable attached.
Plan B is here. It is close to those AN6 wing bolts but maybe far enough away? I could hack a cavity that gets it in the first picture position, that would be Plan C. Its just more work. Consider me undecided.