Date: 01-01-2015 | |
Number of Hours: 10 | |
Manual Reference: Roncz C sheet |
Here we are with a pretty fine edge for the glass to glass as in pic one.
The second shot I’m trying to show the flox corner. I’ve peel plied the edges as I’ll be adding a little filler because I had to do a transition in this area or the glass would bubble up. Plans say to fill here with micro. I thought the peel ply is better as it will say some sanding and I can use the lighter weight West filler instead of the usual micro.
What I’ve done is blend a flox corner into a glass to glass transition. Given flox is structural it seems reasonable as a way to get the shape I want and still have maximum strength. I’m looking forward to seeing how this works out.
The plan suggest you can get a little creative here. I’m going for a sharp edge. Mr Roncz says that the vortex created by the tips here hits the wing in a sweet spot so I’ll go with that idea.
It was another long days work today. I started in the morning and was doing the two ply UNI layup after dark. Its new years day. Guess no hangover was a plus
Glass to glass tips
Flox corners
Peel ply ready for fill