Date: 09-06-2018 | |
Number of Hours: 3 | |
Manual Reference: no ref |
This is in the plans or the CP’s I’ve forgotten. Ice shields were recommended after icing in the Defiant showed that the airframe was still controllable with a little ice on it but the elevator tended to ice up and stick. Errrr not good! So a shield was recommended.
The shield needs to cover the elevator counter balance. Here I’ve used a stick to hold the maximum deflection.
Three plies of BID 4″ X 4″ were laid over the counterweights which had plenty of grey duct tape on them. Of course some peel ply on top which will make the later fill and fair easier.
This is after cure and a bit of a trim.
It will do the job. I’ll install them after more finishing work as they would get in the way before then. I’ll probably make them a little smoother with some filler then. For now we have the basic ice shield, move on!