Date: 04-17-2018 | |
Number of Hours: 3 | |
Manual Reference: 21-1 |
Now we are getting to the pointy end of building the strakes I needed to install the sight windows in the long BL23 Ribs.
I wondered why I never did these, now it is clear. I either forgot or I had to make the fuel outlets first. Make your own guess. Either way this is about taking off the fuel cap and then looking inside an empty tank to see if the fuel outlet is clogged up. If there is no hole in the rib you’d have to cut the tank open to do this simple job.
I marked out where the plans said to put them and lined it up. Nope, I felt the view would be better with the windows forward.
Here’s the hole cut out and the outlet from roughly where I’ll place the fuel cap. All good.
While the foam is fuel resistant no way was I going to leave it open. I think, over time, soggy foam might flake off and fill a fuel filter. Might… but why risk it? The foam soaked in fuel would also be slightly heavier and have less strength than a rib with sealed edges. That’s my story.
After fancy flox corners, a ply of BID, peel ply and then a clean up. We have our view windows done.