Date: 01-26-2016 | |
Number of Hours: 6 | |
Manual Reference: 19-9 |
The last 5 days I’ve been doing one clickbond per wing as needed to get the 14 of them done. Each time I had to get the aileron off carefully as each time the hinge tends to stick no matter what. I did get them all sorted out with zero damage, it just takes a while.
Today was more like it. I sanded the six hinge locations down to the clickbond and preped the surface for one ply of lightweight cloth as I did in my testing. Pics 1 & 2 show this. Some of them were down to the metal and others I had them just a touch deeper. I’m confident it will work out with minimum filler to give a smooth result.
Pic three shows the cloth wetted out, in place and a bit of peel ply on top. All the click bonds are done now and the ailerons move freely. I need to check it they are getting the required range of movement next.
Sanded flush
More sanding and prep
1 ply on top and peel ply