Date: 12-01-2020 | |
Number of Hours: 0 | |
Manual Reference: no ref |
Build start DEC 1 2011
Today is DEC 1 2020
Nine years building.
My build log now shows 11,839 hours. OK I thought I’d be done by this time in 2020. Wrong. Still no engine delivery date although I think the AC-Aero power plant is going to happen.
I’ve been at the hangar nearly every day since the last summary less four full months of ‘delays’.
It doesn’t look finished.
The avionics are physically fitted into the plane along with endless boxes.
The rack configuration included a composite frame and a few months work getting it all to fit.
This is a test panel that will be used for wiring up the looms. That has yet to start.
The interior is painted after lots of goodies were mounted. I’ve been working on getting all surfaces on the outside to 220 grit standard ready for painting.
The leading edge and trailing edge wing fences are done.
I lost 2 months being at home with a Covid 19 lock down. Remember that? The flight manual, test flight and maintenance documents were completed while I kept my fish company. I also have my weight and balance authority valid for two years so I can weigh the plane myself.
Another two months went on getting my IFR rating. That was tough and all that remains are baby steps to get out there on my own now.
Its got to happen in 2021 right?