Date: 10-30-2017 | |
Number of Hours: 10 | |
Manual Reference: no ref |
Here you can see we have reasonable clearances again. I just need to be careful when I do the bonnet that the sides splay out a little to maintain this.
I had another issue. The sides of the right pant were a little distorted. Yes I’ll use a bit of filler here and there but the edges needed to sit straighter. I just clamped it all up where it should be and give it the heat gun. That certainly improved things.
The next task was to reinforce the edges around the tire cutouts. I first made plastic templates, then cut the glass. A ply of S glass, a ply of Innegra cloth which is like kevlar, then another ply of S glass. Rather than try to force the cloth around corners I just made a flat sandwich and laid it up with a bit of cardboard filling in the middle cutout. That supported the cloth for the layup.
Here we are all trimmed up. You can see one of the remade hard points too. I have to confess on one of the pants the layup was away from the sides in the corner. I just wasn’t careful enough so I ground out one side of the 3 ply layup and did another piece on top properly supported by sticks and clamps. I don’t need perfection, I just need to ensure things are functionally correct so there went another 90 minutes or so. Not the end of the world <grin>
Here’s the fix and the trimmed pants below. Oh and I did a ply of BID on that hard point too. The weight is while its curing so the glass is nice and flat on top.