Date: 07-27-2017 | |
Number of Hours: 10 | |
Manual Reference: no ref |
Next up for the heat system was to get the air from the duct to the on-off box. This is to be via a turn of about 45 degrees and still some expansion.
Pic 1 shows my 2nd attempt at a basic shape to work as a head. This was tricky for some reason. Eventually I had it as you see in pic 2.
I gave it a couple of coats of micro and sanded it back over a few days. Then I glassed it with about 3 plies of BID. It was a funny shape so there was a fair bit of overlay. It is nice and strong.
Pic 3 is after all this and the cure and a good clean out of the mold or ‘form’. A great result.
Foam blob
Carved to shape
Glassed and cleaned up