Date: 02-11-2015 | |
Number of Hours: 3 | |
Manual Reference: 12-1 |
Plans say this is a half hour job so three hours is about right for me. I really spent most of the day reading about the canard installation overall. So thats the Long EZ plans, the Roncz plans and the Cozy plans to read through as well as info on file that I’ve collected and the ‘Unblessed Word’… a canard document of tips that I check at every step. Its a David Orr thing…
The alignment pins need to be at right angles to F28 which is sort of interesting as then the pin holes are going to be on a bit of an angle going into the longeron doubler. Obviously (reading the plans helps with the obvious) the pins need to be straight to the canard. I am thinking about the mod where these pins are removable however I’ll begin with the plans method and just drill this out if I go the other way. Its the same holes and alignment.
I made a drilling jig… a thick bit of wood with a hole in it done on my drill press… to keep the drill bit straight and went progressively with a 1/8″ bit all the way up to the #10 which is just a hair bigger than 3/16″. Thats the first pic. Pic 2 shows me drilling straight but noticing the curve in the longerons.
Pic 3 show the AN3-20A that I cut the bolt head off per plans. So now they slip in and out OK and will be microed in much later or discarded if I go the removeable bolt option. All good and it ate up another day.
Drilling jig
Square to what?
Alignment pins