Date: 01-01-2016 | |
Number of Hours: 5 | |
Manual Reference: 19-19 |
Now to set the aileron hinges on the ailerons in the right place. I thought the sharpened blade was the go but the suggestion from a certain Mr Wood to use foam came into play as in pic one. Just the right amount forces the hinge to close on the aileron when you put the aileron in place on the wing. I also used my blades to check that the hinges were hard up against the hinge bases.
The plans have you somehow stick some bondo in there and get the whole catastrophe lined up perfectly and un-moving while it all sets. With my sticks and clamps and hot glue I got the aileron lined up and thought… good job.
Instead of moving anything I just stuck 5mt glue in the hinges to hold it all together. When it cured I removed the clecos and had my hinges in place. Then I added more hot glue around the hinge edges to hold them down even more …oh and spent about an hour removing bits of glue and the hinge pins and the other half of the hinges.
Yes seems like a clumsy way to do things BUT… I have the aileron right where I want it.
Foam ‘spring’ spaces
Gap checking
Glued hinges exactly in place