Date: 12-30-2015 | |
Number of Hours: 4 | |
Manual Reference: 19-9 |
Just a small hiccup here. I’d gone to great lengths to ensure the hinge bases on the ailerons were exactly in line. It turns out that great care and attention to every detail or even the measurements made in good faith account for nothing in the light of facts. Perhaps the nice heavy weights I used deformed the aileron.
The result was that the third or outboard hinge was slightly low. I found some nice 5005H34 aluminium sheet. I would have used something else but this was the right thickness. I made up a piece, taped it in place and all was right with the world again. You can see it in Pic1. Of course I had to then clean it up, alodine it, let it dry and then flox it to the prepared glass at the hinge base. Next up was a ply of BID over the top and a weighted cure. All done as you see in Pic 2
Pic 3 might be hard to understand but it is the aileron hinge in place with a bit of sharpened hacksaw blade pushing it home so I can check for a gap. All again is good.
Add on piece
Glassed in place
Gap check