Date: 08-03-2014 | |
Number of Hours: 10 | |
Manual Reference: 19-6 |
Left Wing bottom spar cap was a good 10+ hours again. There seems no way to make these layups shorter but certainly this one was much easier. Experience with the right wing is making a difference The capable Michael Wood was again partnering with me on this layup and we have done most of the difficult caps together on this build.
There is a definite two person technique to get the fibers straight which involves pulling the key thread, then the cross threads and then each of the 31 or so fiber bundles in the 3.1″ width. Held at one end while the other is smoothly elongated until straight is a precise task. Then you carefully get a hold of the next bundle and do the same across the width of the cloth. You can do about half a full length so thats three of these operations per full length ply.
You can see in the first pic after straightening and then in the second pic wetted out. This layup was just 7 plys with peel ply at the end and then some protection and finally weights. I’ll leave the heater on overnight to maintain around 25-26C for 24 hours. Its going down to around 0C tonight. Winter + a big gas heater = a good time for these jobs.
Next up is a cleanup, more prep work and then the bottom skin layup. I’m really feeling getting this wing done to pre aileron stage is a priority. Maintenance is due soon on my flying Long-EZ and I’d like two wings on the wall rack first.
Straight fibers
Wetted fibers
Peel plied cap