Date: 07-23-2014 | |
Number of Hours: 10 | |
Manual Reference: 19-5 |
Back to the Left wing! I’d previously assemble the cores and matched the two wings as best I could.
Next was to ensure the top of the shear web area was straight. Using my box aluminium it was a hour or so slow sanding to ensure it was nice and straight. Mainly just a little foam off the middle.
The spar cap area needs to be 3.1″ wide and what I had was nearer 2.7″. I removed the wing out of the jig which was carefully screwed to the table and marked out the expansion area, cut it was a razor blade against the rulers in pic 2 and a bit of work with the permagrit tools.
The next day the wing was back in the jigs and I carefully rounded the edges and used the demel for any high spots in the glue joins.
I cut glass and got things ready as in pic 3 to lay up the shear web. This was a good 3-4 days work… believe it or not.
Ensuring a straight shear web
Widening the spar cap areas
The usual prep