Date: 10-02-2016 | |
Number of Hours: 4 | |
Manual Reference: 13-11 |
This is one of those small jobs that still take a few hours over a couple of days. After glassing the nose bottom I removed the excess glass around the gear leg cavity.
After this I noticed that if I’m to make a cover for the gear leg I either have to make it very wide or make good the edges of the cavity. For some reason the NG30 plates have finished without meeting the bottom of the floor outside. Just don’t ask. I can’t ever remember what was happening here but I do see that it needs fixing.
I’ve gone for a very dry mix of micro as you see in pic 3, just to fill the lip you see in Pic 2. Not a big deal and most of it will be routed out later. Just being tidy and doing the details.
Nose area cleaned up
We have unwanted edges
Micro fill