Date: 12-26-2014 | |
Number of Hours: 10 | |
Manual Reference: Roncz B sheet |
More hours and I started to see that if the elevator was about 1/16″ out from the end of the four canard jigs I could get the elevator in range. The jig position is a bit arbitrary as this depends on the final canard contour and there was a bit of slop in my unfinished item.
I had the hinges glued and wedged in place and after countless tries. It worked! All my parameters were correct I had the elusive up elevator 15 degrees and heaps of down elevator to the point where I’d need a stop which is what I’d assumed would be needed.
At this point I again removed the elevator and put the hardware in to be sure this was it! So I set up the elevators yet again, glued them in place with 5mt and drilled two holes. Well really I choose my bolt positions relative to the fuselage then drilled a hole on both sides. I marked these out using a bit of paper around the tube and marking half way. I did get a straight hole in the end.
I again set up the elevator and got everything correct. I wanted to be sure I could set it up twice and still be spot on. Happiness. I then decided to just flox one hinge in place, let that cure and then do more. Better this took a few days and get it right eh?
Of course I nervously tested the elevator range the next morning and it was all good!
Starting to win, hardware in
Yes we are in range